Morning time plans

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Crunching ice, and enjoying it a lot!

I think I may finally be feeling pregnant :)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Visa update, no cause for excitement, yet.

We've had a couple of queries, and have been poor communicators of all the little details.
And I have been poor at posting pictures of my sweet little girls.
So this post is a combination of unrelated photos and text :)

We are waiting. Does this sound familiar?

2 weeks ago the embassy emailed us and requested some more documents in 15 days or they would cancel our application.
There were certain complications with getting the new paperwork to them, we were in Scotland when the request came through, copies of our passports which were in the embassy were needed and time. The Lord undertook for us, and through the hard work of some special people (thank you Mike and Nicole and Tom) and the willingness of others to accomodate my bizarre requests (thank you Jim) we got the paperwork in.

On Friday last week our registered post envolope arrived, my handwriting on the front recieved from the embassy. We all gathered round, and opened it. 4 passports and a receipt for the money we sent for the visa.

Nothing else.

So we have to continue to wait.

Everyday we wait for the postman to come, and then come to terms with the fact there is no news and then continue with the day.

Today we are baking, the fire is in, and Heidi and I have whipped up a few goodies. We have many other things to be grateful for.

The steadfast love of the Lord ever ceases, His mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning, great is your faithfulness. "The Lord is my portion says my soul", says my soul, therefore I will hope in Him.

In His time.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Chicken pox has come to the Hindles!
Trust Heidi to be the kid who still catches it after being immunized.
At least the next few days are taken care of, we are in, doing crafts and reading and watching tv!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hope's pleasure in small things

This is my view down these days, and only half way there!

I love this babies enthusiasm for the out doors, just want to eat her up, the green wellies add to the cuteness.

Sorry this is on the side, no idea how to change it over.

Walking backwards, spinning, rocking side to side.
Perhaps I should try them all too and see if it makes walking up the hill more fun!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

4 years ago today......

A tiny girl was born.......

She turned one.....

Then two......

then three......

Happy Birthday big 4 year old. We love you very much.

More pics of the birthday girl later, off to open more pressies!