Morning time plans

Sunday, December 8, 2013

4 years ago today..........

4 years ago on a cold and snowy day a little girl was born at home.  We named her Hope Ruby and pray that she will learn to treasure the Hope of the world sent at Christmas time to be her Saviour. 
She grew fast! Which is unusual for these Hindle babies and was soon one. We had a sledging and hot chocolate party that year and green and pink cupcakes. 

Then we blinked or so it seemed and you were two  Lots happened that year and we took you to IKEA, shopped your pressies on the day and had cupcakes 2 weeks late.  I'm ashamed to admit I don't know where the pics are, or even if we have any.  As Mummy explained a lot happened that year!

And then you turned 3, and were so poorly that day that we had to cancel your party and put the cake into the freezer. But later in the  week we celebrated the with the princess cake, a gaggle of friends and lots of fun.
Lots of fun would be a good phrase to describe the last year.  Wow did you look tall with those jeans and reindeer t-shirt the other day.You've started to spend hours colouring and pretending to be a colouring teacher, and you love all your baby dolls and stuffed animals and taking little bags full of little things from one room to another but never back where they belong! Chattering may be your favourite thing and with all the descriptions like delicious and disgusting you do make us laugh.
We love you sweet Hope girl and will be prying for you everyday you are 4.

Monday, October 14, 2013

That time again!

Paperwork is off, sitting on someone's desk for the next few months.  If only they knew there were traffic light mug shots inside. 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Teach a girl to knit......

and she'll find two sticks and some string and spend a merry time working the stiches.

I love this crazy happy life of mine, with these crazy happy children of mine.  Things are certainly never dull. 

 He's a monkey!
 He's a cutie pie and getting so big.
 We're working through a cleaning for 20 mins a day monthly schedule in some attempt to keep order.  Best start them young, and the amount of time this little man spends pressing his face against the window means he'd better learn quick!
 This is such a Phinn expression, too cute.  I have about 10 of the same shot on the camera, looking for the perfect one, they never sit still!
 We've changed the living room round a bit and lost of couch, all in all success!

Magnetic board in the kitchen makes a huge difference, and it looks really cool too.
 Funny boys.  Must finish the renovation then things may not be so accessable!  How cute are they though?
 See? Crazy, teddy on a chopping board!
 My sweet girls ready for church last week, with Phinn trying to get in on the action!
 LOVE LOVE LOVE these peeps.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Train fun at Heritage Park

We had so much fun larking about Heritage Park celebrating with the little boys
Often we run out of time to do the train ride, so this time we started with it.



Then we popped to the old fort and Indian village.

Then we went to the rides.

We all rode the carousel together

 Even sweet baby John.....
 Onto looking at and climbing on trains.

And then the boat.

So there you have it, the highlights of our day.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

What fun we've had today.
Last Sat we went to Heritage park and did lots of train things (I will blog those pics soon too but not tonight as I'm too tired.....)
So today was about their other great love, FOOD.
It started with pressies though, as all good birthdays should.  


We went to Cora's a breakfast restaurant which is scrummy.  The plates are huge, our 4 share one, and then munch on a bit of the adult ones. 

 It was chocolate brioche French toast with banana's and strawberries for the kids today.


We let them know that our sweet boys has a big day and they brought out this complimentary dessert.  It's hard to see but there are 2 birds made of apple with the writing of custard and jam to dip it in.  Double yum.  They came with sparklers on the top too. 
 At home later we had high tea,

Egg train sandwiches with veg cargo.

And icecream sandwich train cake for dessert. 

And the day ended with a train piƱata, theres; some pretty funny footage of them banging at it trying to get it open I'll share soon.

They are happily tucked up fast asleep which is where their tired Mummy is headed too.  Hosea lay in his bed holding a new train saying happy over and over.

Heidi has her first field trip tomorrow so that should be fun too.  Busy days.