Morning time plans

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Train fun at Heritage Park

We had so much fun larking about Heritage Park celebrating with the little boys
Often we run out of time to do the train ride, so this time we started with it.



Then we popped to the old fort and Indian village.

Then we went to the rides.

We all rode the carousel together

 Even sweet baby John.....
 Onto looking at and climbing on trains.

And then the boat.

So there you have it, the highlights of our day.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

What fun we've had today.
Last Sat we went to Heritage park and did lots of train things (I will blog those pics soon too but not tonight as I'm too tired.....)
So today was about their other great love, FOOD.
It started with pressies though, as all good birthdays should.  


We went to Cora's a breakfast restaurant which is scrummy.  The plates are huge, our 4 share one, and then munch on a bit of the adult ones. 

 It was chocolate brioche French toast with banana's and strawberries for the kids today.


We let them know that our sweet boys has a big day and they brought out this complimentary dessert.  It's hard to see but there are 2 birds made of apple with the writing of custard and jam to dip it in.  Double yum.  They came with sparklers on the top too. 
 At home later we had high tea,

Egg train sandwiches with veg cargo.

And icecream sandwich train cake for dessert. 

And the day ended with a train piƱata, theres; some pretty funny footage of them banging at it trying to get it open I'll share soon.

They are happily tucked up fast asleep which is where their tired Mummy is headed too.  Hosea lay in his bed holding a new train saying happy over and over.

Heidi has her first field trip tomorrow so that should be fun too.  Busy days.

Two years ago today.........

 Our world changed, 



Then we blinked and you were one.

And then we chased, wiped, trained, chased some more, played, read, and chased after even more and today you turn two.
There was no way that we could have imagined a year so full as last year.  But the one thing that you have brought that weighs out all the busyness and tiredness is much joy.  You've taught your Mama to laugh in chaos, to pray when tired and to say thank you when offered help.  I marvel at the gift you are to us, and thank God for you. 
The things you love right now are trains and eating and getting on you gogo's to be outside and running at full speed.  You make animal noises, roar at people and try to bite their toes and have trouble figuring out your name from your brothers.  Your sisters adore you and you them.  You want so much to hold baby, but struggle son hard to be gentle, You are naughty, but often in such cute ways that we have to back away to laugh before we help you learn what is right. Having your best friend to get into things with must be so fun.  
Happy second birthday boys.
Choo choo!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

There's a couple of  reasons that these are supposed to be made with raisins not choc chips. 

Here's one
 Here's another.

 Please no comments on my poor wreaking of welsh cakes.  I wouldn't do it if I had raisins in the house, but we needed a little yummy something to fill our hungry belly's and we thought we'd try it. 

Still need more practice on making them perfect, but they flew off the rack all the same!

A lemonade stand

A fun activity on a hot day.  She made it all pretty much herself and stored the goodies in the shade of a tree. 
Her customers were all pleased they'd stopped by I'm sure.

Friday, September 6, 2013

See, proof.

Name the famous riders......

One American, one Canadian.

and another.......

any time you need a round of applause :)
A snippet from our day out......

Day out at Spruce Meadows

We did watch the show jumping too......when we weren't exploring the other fun stuff.