Morning time plans

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Six years ago today......

Six years ago on a cold and snowy day a little girl was born at home.  We named her Hope Ruby and pray that she will learn to treasure the Hope of the world sent at Christmas time to be her Saviour. 
She grew fast! Which is unusual for these Hindle babies and was soon one. We had a sledging and hot chocolate party that year and green and pink cupcakes. 

Then we blinked or so it seemed and you were two  Lots happened that year and we took you to IKEA, shopped your pressies on the day and had cupcakes 2 weeks late.  I'm ashamed to admit I don't know where the pics are, or even if we have any.  As Mummy explained a lot happened that year!

The year you turned 3 you were so poorly that we had to cancel your party and put the cake into the freezer. But later in the week we celebrated the with the princess cake, a gaggle of friends and lots of fun.
Then you turned 4.  That year was colder than any other, and everyone got stuck in hideous traffic trying to get to the swimming pool.  But, we all had fun, swimming and playing and eating chilli at 9pm because we stayed at the pool long enough for everyone to  have a good time.
And then you turned 5.  That was the year we had the Princess and the pea cake and Mummy forgot to put the pea on!

And so, the eve of your birthday has come, and you ran down the corridor to bed excited for the last time you'd do it age five.  But by the time I tucked you in, you were sad that being five was almost done.  You're a sweet sweet girl Hopie, loved by us very much.  Your enthusiasm for your games makes me smile, you are the thinker of many exciting adventures, your siblings adore you, and I pray that this coming year you will grow in your love for Jesus, and all He did for you at the cross.
We love you sweet Hopie x

Friday, September 25, 2015

4 years ago today......

 Our world changed, 



Then we blinked and you were one.

And then we chased, wiped, trained, chased some more, played, read, and chased after even more and then you turned two.
Two to three was busy too, your imaginations took off and the world was never dull with you two around!
And so tonight is the eve of you turning four.  It's my favourite time of the day, the house is quiet, the gifts are wrapped and I get to sit and look over the pictures from the last few years, and remember all the joy you, Phinn and you, Hosea have brought to our lives.
What are my favourite things about this past year?
Listening to you play, and talk and generally be together,  It thrills my Mummy heart.
Watching you ride horses and cars and scooters up and down the street, waving sticks and talking in that low cowboy voice.
Hearing you plan what you want to do when you grow up, and it needing to be a job for "two guys" at once.
Seeing you include your little brother.
Hearing you quote long passages of scripture and singing "Hallelujah, all I have is Christ" on and off throughout the day.
And a million other things too, too many to record.
So my sweet boys, we love you and pray for the Lord to draw you close to Himself as you grow, so that no matter what you do, it is first and foremost for the glory of God.
Mummy love you up to the moon and back with donuts x

Sneak a peek

The boys have been taking about having a castle cake for the longest time now. 

Which means I have been thinking about making a castle cake for the longest time now.

Which means when it comes to actually making a castle cake you are not certain if you've bitten off more than you can chew (which was literal and figurative as there was some trial of cake last night!)

But then you are glad that
a) the boys for whom the cake is intended will see a castle cake and know that their Mummy loves them
b) camera angles are an amateur cake makers bestest friend, you don't have to show the bits that may not be working quite so well
c) making a cake means more than the end result, it also involves an evening with friends which  includes your beloved who hangs about and puts in a cheeky two penny's worth every now and again, while being willing to rummage through the Duplo late at night to find knights and horses and such.
d) fondant is yummy, and full of energy to get you through to the last minute crisis of realising there is no door on the castle, quickly making it and retaking the camera angle friendly shots!

So with out further ado, here's some sneak peeks for the preparations for the Knights of Alberta party.
I will endeavour to get some picture in of the day, but I see that Johns birthday is still not recorded so I have time!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Two years ago today.....

This sweet baby was born.....

He grew far too fast and was soon one

And so today he turns two.  What wonderful years they have been.  Lots of cuddles and kisses and not the quick and then you're gone ones, but the tight squeezes when you try and burrow in even closer, and the slobbery kisses that have to have the right amount of noise!

You are so determined John to be a big boy and join in all that the others are doing. We all want you to be the blonde squidge that you are today, bulldozing through the day, and saying a scattering of sweet words to cheer us up. 

 Linger our baby wont you?  Say that you will.

Heidi's marathon birthday!

While travelling all over the UK, we managed to find a fair bit of time to consume cake, not least because we celebrated with several lots of folks.  Thank you to all who made Heidi feel special and loved.

One celebration was in the Ashdown Forest with cousins and a fabulous cake made by the v talented Auntie Fiona.

This day was not be outdone by her actual birthday travelling up to Scotland on the train!!

And, Uncle Matthew had planned a really fun party the following Saturday.

Monday, June 1, 2015

8 years ago today......

A tiny girl was born.......

She turned one.....

Then two......

then three......

then four.....

then five.....
then six......
It was a beautiful year with you Heidi, learning alongside you, watching your enthusiasm for new things, seeing your smile when you get more ribbons skating. 
A gift, that's what you are.

Friday, January 16, 2015

I have been so grateful these past few days for a chinook and the glorious weather that it brings.
We popped over to our local outdoor skating rink Tues afternoon and had so much fun skating and playing on the cleared off play structure.
Wednesday was warm and a plus 7 day in January called for a celebration.
Dinner in the slow cooker, picnic made, layers on, and off we tromped for an adventure to the reservoir. The little boys were excited to see boats, and I didn't tell them otherwise, I wanted to see their facers when they saw a big expanse of ice and snow.  I often wonder how they reason that we don't do our favourite things all the time, I guess this helped.  When we go back to Heritage Park in the spring they'll ask why we haven't been for ages!
I digress........

We walked  to the water (except John), slid down the bank (including John on Heidi's lap!) and then walked around to the yacht club to walk down the gangway to investigate what had become of our water.  And then we picnicked sitting on the water.
Four hours later we dragged ourselves the last few steps home and baked cookies, read stories and slept really well that night.

I wanted to keep the momentum but they begged off yest saying they were tired, and I had to admit so was I.  We're so sluggish in the winter that being on the go is exhausting but good.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Oh the possibilities.................
I think I'll spend a week arranging and rearranging.
And training John, yes there will be lots of that.

Hurrah for organisation as we begin this tem of school.