Morning time plans

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

So sings my soul

My Saviour God to thee

Troll falls in December 2017.
The wonder of seeing the waterfall frozen is something unforgettable.

This is it in the summer

Bunny birthday fun!

Friday, December 8, 2017

Eight years ago on a cold and snowy day a little girl was born at home.  We named her Hope Ruby and pray that she will learn to treasure the Hope of the world sent at Christmas time to be her Saviour. 

She grew fast! Which is unusual for these Hindle babies and was soon one. We had a sledging and hot chocolate party that year and green and pink cupcakes. 

Then we blinked or so it seemed and you were two  Lots happened that year and we took you to IKEA, shopped your pressies on the day and had cupcakes 2 weeks late.  I'm ashamed to admit I don't know where the pics are, or even if we have any.  As Mummy explained a lot happened that year!

The year you turned 3 you were so poorly that we had to cancel your party and put the cake into the freezer. But later in the week we celebrated the with the princess cake, a gaggle of friends and lots of fun.

Then you turned 4.  That year was colder than any other, and everyone got stuck in hideous traffic trying to get to the swimming pool.  But, we all had fun, swimming and playing and eating chilli at 9pm because we stayed at the pool long enough for everyone to  have a good time.

And then you turned 5.  That was the year we had the Princess and the pea cake and Mummy forgot to put the pea on!

And then you turned six.  We had an ice-cream social for your birthday that year, and it was so fun to play and eat all things ice-cream. 

And then you turned seven.  That was the year we went back to the pool, swimming party number two :)

And so tomorrow you turn 8.  Old enough to be allowed to swim away from us at the pool.  I know you have been looking forward to that. 
You were born on a cold and snowy day.  And today is set to be double digits, and there is hardly any snow on the ground.  It is such a different day, and you are such a different girl.  I wonder what this year will hold for you sweet girl.  So much delights you, and we are delighted that you are a part of our family.    

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

It's been a fun year......
the year of the beard I would say, although I'll spare you the pre shave pictures.

Happy Birthday Tom.  You mean so much to all of us, and I am so continually amazed that I am loved by and cared for by you.  Your life points us to Christ, and your leading of our family helps us to grow in our walk with the Lord.  Thank you for loving God first, and in doing so, giving us a rich and beautiful home life.

I love you.
And you know to the children, one in particular you'll always be paw patrol!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Happy day of celebrating

It was a day of simple pleasures, eating, pressies, eating, choosing pressies in the shop, eating, movie, eating, cake and pressies.  And then to top it all off, being invited for a tour to the highest building in Calgary.  Sweet 6 will always top sweet 16!

Monday, September 25, 2017

6 years ago today......

Our worlds changed, and two small boys were born.

Then we blinked and you turned one......
And then we chased, wiped, trained, chased some more, played, read, and chased after even more and then you turned two.
Somehow you made it to three.....

And then four....

And then five......

And today my handsome boys are six.

Sometimes when I look back I can't believe that you have changed and grown so much, and then one of you will hug me with a big squeeze and I know that you are the same little boy that my heart remembers.

You started school a few weeks ago, and although you have made our school room a rowdy little place, your enthusiasm is infectious, and seeing you sparkle as you understand things, or hold your head while you think, or hearing you sound out words and really read books is a treasure to your Mama. 

You sat together yesterday on the railway sleeper beside the driveway.  Taking a break from mining diamonds with the rocks and a hammer.  So close to one another.  Like sitting squished to one another. Heidi noticed and called me. I noticed and took note in my heart.  I heard snippets of the intense conversation.  It was about being five and then being six. Important things in your world.  I wanted to take a picture but you moved before I could.  So fleeting.  Precious moment for me to store up and recall to mind when the other part of being a small boy takes over and running and fighting and yelling are the order of the moment. 

My heart swells to think of you.  Our precious twin gift.  The single hardest thing we have done, learning to live with two babies at a time.  But we have never been alone. Gods sustaining help through the prayers of those who love us have seen us through. 

Remember Phinn and Zay.  God is the author  of life and has made you.  His ways are for your good and for His glory.

We love you. xx

Highlights from our apple party for the apple loving four year old!

Friday, June 16, 2017

Four years ago today.......

This sweet baby was born.....

He grew far too fast and was soon one

And then two......

And then three....................

John, bringing you a birthday cake while everyone sings is sweet thing.  Your eyes pop wide, and your mouth makes an O shape, and then you take owner ship of the cake while we all sing.  You ate the eyes and ears off the sheep before we'd finished the first verse of singing, and tasted the icing and played with your  Thomas train while we sang last year.  I guess you may sample a chocolate chip or two today before the tune is done. 

Our sweet youngest boy.  What is there to say?  Four is too old it would seem to your Mama, but then you think you're turning five cos that's what the twins are so I guess four isn't as old as you'd like.
You give the best hugs.  Pudgy arms squeezed around  my neck and a smacking kiss on my cheek are priceless treasures.  I will forever be grateful for my John boy, what a blessing.