Morning time plans

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Such a long time since I sat down to write, and this entry is not going to be long.

Mum has just gone home this morning after a wonderful week living life together rather than doing any sightseeing. She will not be able to tell you the sights and sounds of Calgary, but that IKEA is the same the world over and sewing cushions and planning upholstery projects is also the same! To have help to get me started was so wonderful, and although a week is so short, it was so appreciated to have her here.

Tom has gone off to conference on his epic journey across the continent. They left at noon yesterday and should be in a motel tonight, before starting on the short leg of the journey tm. (the long leg was 30 hours the short 9!) So far we have not heard from him, but I am sure that will change when he gets there and has internet access.

I also have taken the photos for the top floor of the house, they will be here shortly.....the ground floor will follow later when I have finished the sofa!

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