So I guess an element of explanation is in order!
Hope Ruby Hindle was born at home on Wed. 9th December at 20.30 weighing in at 8lb9oz. She has been a joy to have in the house, and has performed her 3 required tasks daily of eating, filling her nappy and sleeping with skill.
It was a wonderful privilege to have her at home, with 2 midwifes in attendance, as well as Tom and a good friend Holly. Heidi was able to be at home all day playing with her new sticker book, and the Lord answered my prayers that I would have time between contractions to get her to bed myself at 7. She settled almost immediately and the contractions kicked off big time at just after 7. I can say that I never wish to repeat any of the 90 mins again! but it was a relatively easy birth. What was so beautiful is never having to have left the house, I could just pop through to our ensuite, and then come back to my bed, where Tom and I had all the time in the world to gaze at our beautiful gift. All in attendance had gone by 12.30 and we had a good nights sleep (as in good for a new born in the house!).
Her big sister came in in the morning and climbed into bed in front of me to lie and gaze at "my baby sister came". She was excited to see her hands and her ears and that she moved and made tiny noises. But 10 mins were enough and she sat up and asked to go downstairs and eat her breakfast! But I was thrilled that I could take my big girl downstairs and do something normal!
So, we have been blessed with two small girls, precious gifts to raise to know the one who gave them life, and who is the source of life everlasting. PLease join us in praying that this will be true for both our girls, they will grow to realise their need of the saviour, and turn to the Lord and be saved.
1 comment:
JOY JOY JOY! What wonderful news, she is beautiful. Your two gorgeous girls are a source of great joy.
Much love to the FOUR of you!
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