Perhaps a better title is why I am going to schedule, as many of you who know me, know that I love to be reactive and drift along enjoying the things that come my way. Basically it boils down to having fun and getting a lie in even if I have already had 8 hours sleep!
Recently I have been challenged that I should be loving my husband and girls more, and doing this by serving them in the home, cooking, cleaning, playing, nursing my Hopie girl, folding AND putting away laundry I(amazing how hard this second pat of the chore is), making time for movies and dates, being a good role model and occasionally brushing Heidi's hair!
And so, as this season of my life is based on being at home and loving my family I need to get some structure into my day, rather than drifting through. It is a desire to free time up, rather than putting so much structure into the day that I reach the end exhausted and having achieved nothing. This is truly disheartening.
Hebrews 12:28 speaks of desiring to serve God acceptably. I so want to do this. I am praying for the grace to do this. Please join me in this.
I also want to train my children in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6). I don't want to take this out of context, I want to daily tell them of the redeeming work of Christ on the cross. I also want to teach them them self control, a love of the word, an ability to share what is in their heart and what they are thinking, being humble to Godly instruction. Teaching self control, and in this I mean disciple is extremely hard if you are undisciplined in yourself and daily dealings.
This is my season, that of a homemaker. May I do it to God's glory but in his strength alone.
More soon about how I am putting the schedule together.