The Irises took forever to bloom (or so it seemed) but here they are, delicate and pretty, somehow surviving being buffeted by the winds.
And I love this plant, although I will never have it again as I have no idea what it is.
I thought that I would like to have a purple and orange garden, dramatic and unusual, but my Heidi girl said to me at the beginning of the season, 'lets have a garden full of flowers' and so all the seeds are multi coloured cosmos, and black eyed susans, and scarlet runner beans and sweet peas. We shall see, next year I may restrict it down, but truth be told the perennials are a hotch potch of thrifted plants so a colour scheme may prove to be ambitious.
At the weekend we popped out to the Sewlal's farm for a spot of this.
It takes at least 3 hours to get the garden mowed, and Tom enjoys to do it, so Heidi got to have a ride too. She certainly enjoyed it.
Nicole's garden is something wonderful to look at. She is trying something new out and has made raised beds (in the shape of an 'S' for Sewlal!) with a few more curvy beds thrown in. It looks fabulous and the inbuilt paths are so easy for kids to get a clear definition of the right place to walk. The mounds are supposed to conserve heat too and therefore make the plants grow and grow and grow.
Saturday was all about weeding, and we had a lot of fun putting the world to rights while weeding the main bend.
After lunch it was time for the kids. The little ones weeded the potatoes, fairly simple to tell the difference between a potato and a weed! Heidi was just the right size to squeeze in between the potato plants! The bigger ones did onions and beans.
30 mins of hard work = ice cream cone!
She's trying an experiment with the potatoes growing in tyres, you heap one on top of the next and fill with dirt. You are supposed to get something silly like 25lbs of potatoes from one plant! I am watching to see how it goes, so I can perhaps do one or two in our small garden next year. Mmmnn new potatoes......
1 comment:
I am no expert but your purple mystery plant looks suspiciously like a buddleia. We used to have one in Crowle, I seem to remember it attracted lots of butterflies. Ask Mum. :) Nice planting.
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