Morning time plans

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What's what of the Hindle family

July has gone. Where I do not know. We have done so much, small and big and I have not been good at writing them down here.

So a list, in no particular order is coming up.

Our peas are amazing. In fact I know of no other garden right now (from our circle of friends) that even has peas. So I will enjoy them now, and that we can send a hand full home in the car for whoever comes to visit. And when ours are done (soon I should think) perhaps we will get some small green pod for our car journeys home when we have been to visit.

Hope can clap. So cute. Ruth claims to have taught Heidi to clap (with good reason), but it was the Rodeo that taught Hope. We were sitting high up in the bleachers waiting for the Chuck wagons to start when we noticed Hope sitting on Tom's lap clapping away. She is extremely proud of herself and squeals with big grins when she gets it.

Tom tried out for and was accepted onto a football team. It is for a Spanish league but I guess they take anyone. Nationality I mean, obviously they only take fabulous players! He trains on Tuesday nights and plays Sat. The season wont last much longer but for now I feel like normality has returned. Strange but true. It is so normal for us to have Tom play at least once a week (in UK) that I am glad that it is here again.

I am beginning to agree that Heidi may have a hint of a Canadian accent. She called me Mom the other day!!! Argh, she can't say it the other way...... I will insist it is spelled right. The other funny thing is her pronunciation of Harry as Hairy. All the Canadians do and it cracks me up to think of my Dad as being called Hairy.

The summer feels like it is slipping away and I have so much in the garden that needs to grow. My Scarlett runner beans are not even flowering yet and September and the frosts are fast approaching.

Heidi and I are turning country and entering a 'Fall Fair'. Me for bread making and some canned goods and some produce and Heidi some paintings and crafts and produce. It's in 3 weeks so I must get my peaches canned. I am planning to learn pears this year, as well as get applesauce made, pickles and a stack of jam ready for the winter. Peaches start in season in a couple of weeks so I am looking forward to it. It is always fun to hang out with friends and get something done at the same time.

Speaking of getting something done, the trim of the house looks fabulous, but getting the front porch finished is proving ridiculously hard. I will plug away at it and get it done.

We spent a happy day at the Rodeo on Monday with 3 other families. Heidi loved it again, but did find her favorite part to be the giant sand box. Unfortunately it was the dirt under the bleachers that everyone except me sheltered under in the rain storm. 'It even had a roof' Heidi told me. Poor Hope was just having a nappy change when the deluge started so I finished off sheltering her under the cowboy hat!

Tom has finally got his new laptop and is setting it up this very evening. One came and we were so excited until on peeling back the screen protector discovered it was cracked. :( Dell have been wonderful and the new one arrived today. All I have to do now is figure out how to send back the other one.

Hope is sitting so well now to play, and is up on her knees often trying to figure out how to crawl!

Sleep is never long enough in our house, so I am off to bed. Ready for a good day tomorrow!

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