It turned out that on Sat friends could come with their truck and help us move it.
'Great' I said and suggested I make a rhubarb pie. I have only made one rhubarb previously in my life, and it was for the same friends and it was really rather good.
So encouraged by your kind comments on the photo blog Heidi and I did for the muffins I decided to do the same for the rhubarb pie.
We collected the rhubarb from the garden
Mixed it with sugar and flour and set aside till we make the pastry. When the pie dish was covered in pastry we dumped the filling inside.
And then popped the top on
At this point our friends arrive and we pop the pie into the oven and get to work on moving the fridge.
And I was so pleased that the fridge was aptly proclaming the passengers brain power.
Holly, Kurt and I piled into the truck to take the fridge on it's merry way to the dump, my children were safely at the neighbours and Tom was at football tryouts. What should have been a straight forward drop at the dump was, but only after we had negotiated 2 cases of getting lost (we all knew where we were going!) and a long queue to get in. We played boggle on the i-phone to keep entertained on the long wait to get into the dump.
But what of the pie.
The beautiful pie.
The pie that was so good the last time?
I was trusting that my lovely husband would get home and rescue it at just the right moment and when I did finally get to talk to him my first question was How did your soccer trial go! Sadly no. It was how is it! Not too bad was the reply.
We got home to this.
Crunchy to say the least, a little carbony in places.
But edible!
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