There were stockings full of good things. Hope is still to finish opening her's, it is too much fun taking things out and putting things in!

This was transformed into....

This beautiful creation. Heidi has the perseverance needed to create such a master piece, we loved it so much it became the table centre piece later.

Sledging fun was had by all. Hope most of all I think. She sat at the top and rocked and rocked, then gave up on the imaginary sledge and popped onto her tummy and pushed off. We caught her! It is all on video along with a classic of Kurt and Heidi going so far at the bottom they cross the path and go through a hedge at the bottom! I will post them when I get them (on a different camera).

Presents were a wonderful end to the day, so much love and care went into them all. THANK YOU to everyone who made the effort to get them here. We are blessed by you and love you. I am always humbled by others organisation and motivation. I will strive to meet your high standards next year.
The snow is falling again this afternoon so we are cosied up making a paper dolls house out of cardboard boxes, imagination and sticky tape. There is laughter and joy filling the kitchen, we are blessed.
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