I got the pattern here and decided that seeing as my Gran had let me crochet blankets with her on various occasions and I had recently made a scarf under close supervision while snowed in at a friends, I was vastly able to whip up a bag in the course of an evening.
But it really was as easy as it said it was, as long as I kept counting right!
The flower was a little fun at the end with the wool I had left over, so I doubt I'll ever be able to reproduce it again!
And all for the bargin price of $1.31 as the wool was on sale this week!
Happy Birthday Ivey Grace, who as Heidi keeps pointing out has already had her birthday. So, I guess more accurate it is Happy Belated Birthday Ivey Grace!
And on the note of belated Happy Birthday's I missed my wonderful sister in laws because I muddled it with the coffee date I had with my neighbour of the same name next week. I am sorry Karen, you really so mean the world to us, and we are excited about seeing you soon. Happy Birthday Karen! I could always make a bag for you too!
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