Morning time plans

Saturday, June 2, 2012

5 today

 It's the end of the day that Heidi said could not have been any more perfect. 

 We started with some presents, before breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes and strawberries.

 Then there were more pressies, and skype calls and then Heidi was taken out for lunch  at the Sigon Pearl with her Daddy, Uncle Matt and Big Jones.  She tried bubble tea for the first time.

Then on to the party,

 we decorated cookies.....
 and hung the pinata in anticipation, doesn't it look amazing?

 While the kids were having fun playing in the sunshine we got some of the foodie things ready.  Lemonade in mason jars,
 bunting as always.......
 Western colouring pages.....
 the food table with ginham everywhere.....

Then horse riding.  This is Honey.

 Each of the kids got to ride her, and we took pictures of everyone on the horse.

 Hanging out with good friends.
 Then there was food. Burritos, corn and watermelon, with cheese, sour cream and salsa on the side.

The main fun of the pinata was next, it seemed to hold together for just the right amount of time, and the kids were thrilled with the loot.

Heidi has wanted this cake for 2 years now. It was not a work of art, but is made her extremely happy so we are all pleased.  On the lazy susan it even turned!

This post is kind of lacking in witty comments but it is late, and I wanted to get the pictures out so those who couldn't be there could share in the fun.

A huge thank you to all who made it possible.  You know we couldn't have made it a perfect day without you. 

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