Morning time plans

Friday, March 15, 2013

 The day started early but the lovely Heidi was as chipper as ever.  She bounced in to the hospital and kept bouncing all the way to the holding bay. 

Her only wobble of the morning came just after our consultant Dr Harder had left  to go and finish getting ready, and she suddenly realized it was happen.  I cannot praise the children's hospital enough as they patiently worked her through it, and got her smiling again in no time.   Their method of cheer was suggesting she put brownberry to sleep while they were putting her to sleep.  After choosing bubblegum for her gas flavor (they both chose the same!) she confindently walked into the OR and hopped on the bed. 
Watching your child get put to sleep is surreal, and beautiful.  She looked so peaceful when her little body relaxed and they told me I could kiss her.  But turning round and walking away was hard, how  good to know that she was not only in their hands but more importantly in the Lords hands. 

She was under by 8am and the pager didn't go off until 11.30. I made appointments for the following week, and ate breakfast and hand stitched a felt decoration mostly sitting by a window watching the snow fall.  When I got onto the ward this is who met me!

A very green and blue stained girl, watching DVD's and snuggling up to brown berry...who was still asleep with his mask taped on.  She was on fluids and morphine and 15min obs, but chatty and happy and blue!  She spent the day eating and drinking simple things (we tried every colour of popsicle, jelly and icecream and chicken soup as well as apple juice slushies and ginger ale). 

 A good friend dropped in for stories and another had a huge sock monkey sent up from downstairs.  Fun!

Her last morphine was at 5.30 and then they changed her to ibuprofen in her IV and then orally. 

Eating red popsicle the last of the day :)

Her cast was split in surgery to allow for the swelling and had spacers put in (hence the orange strips).  They were taken out this morning as already it was feeling loose and a bandage wrapped round.  It's getting reviewed on Tuesday afternoon anyway so we'll play till then. 
Heidi walked with the physio's this morning, She is fully weight bearing as she wants, but he doesn't expect that to be before 10 days.  Needless to say little miss determined is partial weight bearing constantly already, as well as hopping around without the frame.

We are praising the Lord for his goodness to us all this week.

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