Morning time plans

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Easter day

A few snap shots, not everything was gets busy!
The boys gave us the run around all night, so we were looking for activities to fill the time while parents caught up on sleep!
 Decorating Easter eggs and some foam sticker things fitted the bill nicely, and Heidi was a big helper with the boys, they love sticking stickers!
 Ressurection cookies and the rest of the bible account before breakfast.  Really, what's the difference between meringue and chocolate?  They really were hollow so the empty tomb was there!
 Easter egg hunt, the plastic ones are crazy critters, with sweets inside....lots of ongoing fun finding them and putting the ladybird one in with the ladybirds the girls were collecting. 
 Eggs that were blue!! Good friends treated the kids to one each of their Easter egger's.  I was so long taking picks that the yolks were too hard for the soldiers, but my kids are used to that and were very kind!  We always have these cool egg cozy's and Heidi always has a bunny, Hope always has an owl and the boys always have the bears. 
 The boys were more than pleased with their eggs.  Phinn started his when Hosea was asleep.  No idea how to get the pic round the right way, which is a shame as it is so good of Phinn and Tom.  LOVED is an understatement to them and their eggs. 
When Hosea woke up he got his.  

It really was too much for Phinn.  If I'd got it on video the wailing was something else.  Oh the trials of being a twin!

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