then four.....
then five.....
then five.....
then six......
Then seven.......
Then eight.....................
And now nine comes along. The last year of single digits, the milestone eager to every child's heart and painful to every Mama's.
Heidi we love having you as our firstborn. You are so capable when asked to do something, you lead the games and plays with increasing skill and the phrase 'I read it in a book' is your standard answer for anything we are surprised you know.
Keep reading God's word at the start of every day and throughout of course, allow it to mold you and give you perspective to all that you encounter along your life. As you grow in your knowledge of what God thinks, you can use it to take on or set aside all the things you read and feel in the coming years. Remember some of the lessons we are learning in your read a loud, God wants you to serve Him now, and never wait till you're older. Daddy and I will be praying for you and cheering you along the way.
We love you our Heidi Penne xxx
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