Morning time plans

Friday, January 16, 2015

I have been so grateful these past few days for a chinook and the glorious weather that it brings.
We popped over to our local outdoor skating rink Tues afternoon and had so much fun skating and playing on the cleared off play structure.
Wednesday was warm and a plus 7 day in January called for a celebration.
Dinner in the slow cooker, picnic made, layers on, and off we tromped for an adventure to the reservoir. The little boys were excited to see boats, and I didn't tell them otherwise, I wanted to see their facers when they saw a big expanse of ice and snow.  I often wonder how they reason that we don't do our favourite things all the time, I guess this helped.  When we go back to Heritage Park in the spring they'll ask why we haven't been for ages!
I digress........

We walked  to the water (except John), slid down the bank (including John on Heidi's lap!) and then walked around to the yacht club to walk down the gangway to investigate what had become of our water.  And then we picnicked sitting on the water.
Four hours later we dragged ourselves the last few steps home and baked cookies, read stories and slept really well that night.

I wanted to keep the momentum but they begged off yest saying they were tired, and I had to admit so was I.  We're so sluggish in the winter that being on the go is exhausting but good.

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