Morning time plans

Saturday, January 14, 2017

New Year

I am a disorganised person.
I am a person who wants to do many more things than I actually have the motivation/time/resources for.
I am a person who plans out many a good conversation in her head, only to stick to the superficial 'How are you?'
'Good, how are you?'
'Good' kind of conversations in real life.
I am a person who fails to engage her brain in conversations/when reading/when listening.  This is to my detriment.
I am a homeschooling Mama, seeking to educate her children in a Christian Classical way (when I have trained my brain to engage, learnt to have deeper conversations, and found the motivation to do the activities etc I lack the motivation to carry out). 

The many plans of my head do little to serve my family, and they certainly do not help in the education of my children.  I have been given many opportunities to think and to plan and to dream.  Now I must do.  And what I have been learning from others is that I must start. 

Starting is the precursor to many things. 

I could keep reading, and making that the excuse for why I don't do....I am still planning
I could keep thinking of plans, and making that the excuse for why we have not done ......insert any number of things - I am still planning
I could keep dreaming of the perfect home interior/curriculum/craft project and making that the excuse for why I don't have my transition strips down, my knitting project done, Shakespeare started - I am still dreaming.

And so I wanted to record what I have started, in writing as a way of seeing where I am, and then making some small plans for what to add next.

I am not a writer, but I do think that writing out things helps make dreams and plans into concrete thoughts and plans.  And this is a long neglected blog which I think will focus a little more on our homeschooling journey than just family news.  Family news will still exist because we homeschool in our family and the two do not really exist outside of one another.  And lets face it, I have not been at the blog for a long long time. 

I have thought about adding some records of what we are doing on here for a ages.   Mostly as a record for me to remember what books we have read, what hymns we have learned and other daily musings of our life.  The family read a loud list is on the side bar and the Morning Time schedule at the bottom of the blog.  It is not intended as a bragging list, or look at what we are doing.  This is a messy business, living together as family.  We are failing more times than I care to admit.  There is a lot of sin involved with seven people living together and loving together.  This road is one that I pray will lead me to a deeper walk with my Lord, homeschooling from a posture of prayer and dependence on the one who has called us to this crazy life. 


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