Morning time plans

Monday, July 14, 2008

Long overdue update

Well.....I only made 3 breakfasts, which is 2 short of my target but it's only the first year and good to leave room for improvement!

Stampede day was fun, far too hot and full of interesting sites. Heidi ended up waving a little Canadian flag around most of the afternoon after being given it by a nice Army lady (she was way to scary to explain to that 'no thank you we were British'). There is something a little strange about your small child waving the wrong flag. Of course there were the usual cowboys, as well as a marching band which we just jumped out the way of on time and a superdogs show which was fun. (Heidi did spend most of the show standing on my lap looking at the audience but hey she enjoyed it!) We went on a barn tour with a real life retired cowboy, and some of the other kids went in a helicopter and fighter jet. And I saw a little horse cutting. What do you think that is? I thought something like sheep shearing, but are cutting the cattle with your horse ie getting one cow out of a whole bunch of them. And yes this is a popular, points awarded and prize money giving sport. (and they think the British are weird!) I was also introduced to the Vita-mix at a trade show, a super duper blender that can spin so fast you can make hot cooked soup from raw veggies in 4 minutes flat! and on the flip side can make icecream super quick too! The price tag is over 600 dollars :)

Apart from that we have been a little lazy. visiting friends, out to the farm on friday (more dirt consumed to no ill effect), Tom having a lie in till 12.15 on sat (he was solidly asleep all that time so I guess he needed it), and my new obsession of a 2000 piece jigsaw which I picked up for a dollar (50p).

Heidi's is now standing up with no hands (very cute but she is expecting a clap each time she sits down, why do we start these things?) and climbing on and off the sofa by herself.

On a slightly sad note, I know there are more important things, a storm last night wrecked a large proportion of my herb and vegetable garden. It's horrible to pick up tiny tomatoes and chillies off the floor and find shredded leaves and pansies all over the place. Will have to wait till the sun comes onto the balcony to fully assess what's going to recover with some sunshine and what needs to be pruned off :(

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